
Introdution to the Historical Books: Book Review

In the book Introduction of the Historical Books: Strategies for Reading, Steven McKenzie provides a highly accessible look into methods that modern scholars use to read and understand the books of the former prophets.[1] McKenzie emphasizes a historical-critical...

The Hope of Israel Book Review

The Hope of Israel Book ReflectionsIn his book, The Hope of Israel, Brandon Crowe argues that the resurrection is central to the meaning of Acts and aids in addressing certain difficult theological issues. Several aspects of the book are both insightful and helpful....

What Are the Gospels? Book Review

Based on his dissertation in 1992, Richard Burridge’s book, What Are the Gospels?: A Comparison with Graeco-Roman Biography, addresses the issue of the genre of the gospels.[1] After providing a historical survey of the debate and analyzing how literary...

The Gospels for All Christians Book Review

For Whom Are the Gospels Written?The scholarly consensus is that each of the Gospels were written for a specific local community rather than a general audience. However, The Gospels for All Christians: Rethinking the Gospel Audiences is a collection of essays edited...

The Hope of Israel: Book Review

During the last couple of centuries, the book of Acts has come under fire from many directions including the identification of the book’s purpose and its historical reliability, which, in turn, impacts discussions around the topic of Jesus’s resurrection....

Becoming the Gospel: Book Review

Michael Gorman’s book, Becoming the Gospel: Paul, Participation, and Mission, completes the trilogy that follows two of his previous books: Cruciformity and Inhabiting the Cruciform God.[1] The first book focused on a cruciform existence shaped by faith, hope,...

Destroyer of the Gods: Book Review

During the last couple of centuries, certain scholars, such as those who participate in the History of Religions School, have promoted the idea that Christianity was just another religion that shared similar characteristics with other religions. The implication is...

Surrender to Love by David Benner Book Review

Surrender to Love by David Benner Book Review Primary Goal Benner’s goal of counseling is wrapped up in his definition of repentance and conversion. For Benner (2015), repentance is turning away from the world and simultaneously turning to Jesus; while...

Hurt People Hurt People by Sandra Wilson

Summary Primary Goal Wilson’s (2001) Law of Relationships states, “Hurt people hurt people” often to feel better about themselves which results in causing shame, a sense that the individual is not good enough or worthless (pp. 15-16). Accordingly,...

The Biblical Counseling Movement by David Powlison

Summary Primary Goal David Powlison (2010) explains that, for Jay Adams, the primary goal of counseling is righteousness (p. 102). Distinct from a forensic righteousness, Adams’s focus on righteousness centers around behavioral change into the likeness of Christ...

Effective Biblical Counseling by Larry Crabb

Summary Primary Goal Larry Crabb’s goal of counseling revolves around one word; maturity. Crabb (2013) states that the goal of counseling is “to free people to better worship and serve God by helping them become more like the Lord” (p. 24). According...


Bibliographic Entry Spurgeon, C. H. 2010. Lectures to My Students. Peabody, MA: Hendrickson. Summary Lectures to My Students is a compilation of Charles Spurgeon’s lectures to students of the Pastors’ College, a college Spurgeon (2010, vii) opened in 1856...


Bibliographic Entry MacArthur, John, and the Master’s Seminary Faculty. 2005. Pastoral Ministry: How to Shepherd Biblically. Nashville: Thomas Nelson. Summary In Pastoral Ministry: How to Shepherd Biblically, John MacArthur and the faculty of Master’s...

Baptists and the Ecumenical Movement

Briggs, John H Y. “Baptists and the Ecumenical Movement.” Journal of European Baptist Studies 6, no. 1 (September 2005): 11–17. Summary The following review of Briggs’ work, “Baptists and the Ecumenical Movement,” will include a summary of the...

Knowing Jesus Through the Old Testament

Book Review: Knowing Jesus Through the Old Testament   Introduction Christopher Wright’s book, Knowing Jesus Through the Old Testament, transports readers through the Old Testament on a journey to find the heart and mind of Jesus. Wright is a prolific...

Donald Whitney- Spiritual Disciplines

Donald S. Whitney’s book, Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life, is a thoughtful exploration of various Christian disciplines that broadens the traditional Protestant training regarding the means of saving and strengthening grace.