
Paul’s Missionary Methods

Paul utilized numerous missionary methods to support his ministry efforts. The following analysis highlights five characteristics of Paul’s missionary methods. First and foremost, Eckhard Schnabel’s list of Paul’s missionary methods begins with the...

Impact of Samuel Zwemer on Missions

The impact of Samuel Zwemer on the history of Islamic missions is difficult to overstate. According to J. Christy Wilson, Zwemer was born in Michigan in 1867 to a Christian family with a Dutch reformed background, attended Hope College in Holland, Michigan, and then...

Difficulties of Non-Western Missionaries

Describe the current phenomenon of missionary movements from the non-Western world. What are the advantages and difficulties for non-Western missionaries?ResponseOver the last century, sweeping changes have occurred with regards to the geographical shift in Christian...

Defining Missions

How is mission and missions defined? How is this similar to or different from your previous ideas about missions? Finally, tell us about any involvement in missions that you have previously had (i.e., short-term missions, praying for missionaries) and what you hope to...

Incarnational Apologetics

PART 1This discussion board post is a reaction to David Wheeler’s article, “Incarnational Apologetics.” Wheeler defines Incarnational Apologetics as the “public and private lifestyle of a Christian that validates to the world the absolute...

Evangelism Vision: Sample

The purpose of this paper is to furnish a serious self-evaluation of my current and future evangelistic perspectives and efforts. The evaluation will explore the content learned during the semester, my vision for evangelistic integration, and an analysis regarding the...

Evangelism: Absolute versus Relative Truth

Part 1In the video presentation that shows an interview with a nonbeliever named Lindsay, it becomes evident that Lindsay’s belief system aligns with a postmodern perspective. Specifically, Lindsay states, “I believe in an individual absolute...

Evangelism: Relationships and Community

The very core of the Gospel hinges on the words relationship and community. Will McRaney explains, “God desires to establish a redemptive relationship with all of humankind.”[1] The relationship God desires is the most intimate connection imaginable...

Evangelism: Issues for Lost People have Changed

This is a reaction to two of Will McRaney’s statements. First, McRaney states, “The questions and issues for lost people have changed. I am not sure that we are listening to the questions any longer. Is it possible that in our efforts to communicate we are...

Evangelism: Dealing with Lost People

This is a reaction to Will McRaney’s statement: “Dealing with lost people will cause us to get our hands dirty and sweaty just like tending to yard work. Part of evangelism is to clear up misconceptions and misperceptions people have about the gospel....

Growth of Southern Baptists

What reasons account for the growth of the Southern Baptist churches and the decline in Northern Baptist churches in the years following the split? Comment on which reason(s) seems most significant. ResponseThe growth patterns of Southern Baptist churches and...

Baptists Persecution

To what extent were Baptists persecuted in Colonial America? Describe the contributions of Baptists in the fight for religious freedom. In what ways has this legacy continued today?ResponseThe extent that Baptist religious persecution occurred in Colonial America...

Baptists 75 Million Baptist Campaign

Describe how “The Seventy-Five Million Campaign” affected the Southern Baptist Convention. What is the Cooperative Program and what does it do? Discuss the effectiveness of this program. ResponseThe Seventy-Five Million Campaign and the Cooperative...

Baptist Origins: Four Views

List and summarize the 4 views of Baptist origin. Which view is most convincing? Why? Give specific reasons in your response. During the last few centuries, historians have continued to debate the sources that prompted the emergence of the Baptist faith. Four...

Salvation by Grace & Apologetics

Salvation by grace, not works, is at the core of the gospel of Christ. Although works have no salvific impact, this post will show that the role of works in the Christian life is to bear fruit to further the accomplishment of God’s will. Specifically, the post...

Role of Apologetics

Christian apologetics is a defense of the Christian faith in Jesus Christ. This post will show that the appropriate primary role of Christian apologetics is to strengthen the church. Although Christian apologetics is broad in scope, this post specifically addresses...

Critique of Secular Humanism

IntroductionThe purpose of this paper is to provide a critique of secular humanism. The analysis will show that secular humanism holds five common tenets that are flawed. Specifically, this paper will provide a summary of the worldview, followed by a discussion of the...

Jonah: Literary Features

The book of Jonah is a literary masterpiece. The use of repetitions, word plays, and literary features abound in Jonah 1, which structurally support the meaning of the words. Although not comprehensive, several literary devices will be identified with a brief...

Historicity of Jonah

Several compelling reasons exist for reading the book of Jonah as a fictional story or parable. First, the miraculous story of Jonah surviving being swallowed by a fish lends itself to fiction to anyone holding to naturalism (Jon 2:1). The second reason pertains to...

Themes of the Psalter

At first, the Psalter may appear to be a disparate conglomeration of haphazardly compiled poetry. However, a biblical-theological awareness reflecting upon motifs within the psalms provides a thematic context that not only exposes the Psalter’s unity, but also...