
Transformational Small Groups

The Monday night Lives Tranforming group is made up of a group of faith-loving folks in search of truth and the freedom it brings in its wake.  This group consists of a mixture of male and female followers of Christ whose desire to live a...
Spiritual Development

Spiritual Development

Thought Life and Spiritual Growth focuses on spiritual development by  utilizing cognitive theory and spiritual principles to inform one’s interpersonal and professional growth. This accredited course was created by Lives Transforming ministries in...

Discovering Your Worth

Download Movie 1    Download Movie 2    Download Movie 3 Download Movie 4    Download Movie 5 (You may need to right-click the link and select “Save Target As”) I consider the “Discovering...
The Shack Video

The Shack Video

  The Shack Video Presentation is an incredible discussion between Derek Wilder, Executive Director of Lives Transforming, Inc. and Wayne Jacobsen, publisher of the NY Times Bestselling book The Shack. You will thoroughly enjoy the laid back atmosphere Wayne...
Bo’s Cafe

Bo’s Cafe

  A delightful video training series based on the deeply rich life lessons from Bo's Cafe focusing on God's love, discipleship, our identity in Christ, creating safer relational space created by John Lynch, author of Bo's Cafe and Derek Wilder of Lives...